基于模型的经颅超声疗法的治疗计划通常涉及从头部的X射线计算机断层扫描(CT)图像中映射头骨的声学特性。在这里,将三种用于从磁共振(MR)图像中生成伪CT图像的方法作为CT的替代方法。在配对的MR-CT图像上训练了卷积神经网络(U-NET),以从T1加权或零回波时间(ZTE)MR图像(分别表示TCT和ZCT)生成伪CT图像。还实施了从中兴通讯到伪CT的直接映射(表示为CCT)。在比较测试集的伪CT和地面真相CT图像时,整个头部的平均绝对误差为133、83和145 Hounsfield单位(HU),以及398、222和336 HU的头骨内的颅骨内部的平均误差为133、83和145个。 TCT,ZCT和CCT图像。还使用生成的伪CT图像进行了超声模拟,并将其与基于CT的模拟进行了比较。使用环形阵列传感器针对视觉或运动皮层。基于TCT图像的模拟,模拟局灶性局灶性,焦点位置和焦距的平均差异为9.9%,1.5 mm和15.1%,ZCT的平均差异为5.7%,0.6 mm和5.7%,为6.7%,和5.7% CCT为0.9毫米,为12.1%。映射的图像的改进结果突出了使用成像序列的优势,从而改善了颅骨的对比度。总体而言,这些结果表明,基于MR图像的声学仿真可以与基于CT的声学相比精度。
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Detecting anomalous data within time series is a very relevant task in pattern recognition and machine learning, with many possible applications that range from disease prevention in medicine, e.g., detecting early alterations of the health status before it can clearly be defined as "illness" up to monitoring industrial plants. Regarding this latter application, detecting anomalies in an industrial plant's status firstly prevents serious damages that would require a long interruption of the production process. Secondly, it permits optimal scheduling of maintenance interventions by limiting them to urgent situations. At the same time, they typically follow a fixed prudential schedule according to which components are substituted well before the end of their expected lifetime. This paper describes a case study regarding the monitoring of the status of Laser-guided Vehicles (LGVs) batteries, on which we worked as our contribution to project SUPER (Supercomputing Unified Platform, Emilia Romagna) aimed at establishing and demonstrating a regional High-Performance Computing platform that is going to represent the main Italian supercomputing environment for both computing power and data volume.
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Data scarcity is one of the main issues with the end-to-end approach for Speech Translation, as compared to the cascaded one. Although most data resources for Speech Translation are originally document-level, they offer a sentence-level view, which can be directly used during training. But this sentence-level view is single and static, potentially limiting the utility of the data. Our proposed data augmentation method SegAugment challenges this idea and aims to increase data availability by providing multiple alternative sentence-level views of a dataset. Our method heavily relies on an Audio Segmentation system to re-segment the speech of each document, after which we obtain the target text with alignment methods. The Audio Segmentation system can be parameterized with different length constraints, thus giving us access to multiple and diverse sentence-level views for each document. Experiments in MuST-C show consistent gains across 8 language pairs, with an average increase of 2.2 BLEU points, and up to 4.7 BLEU for lower-resource scenarios in mTEDx. Additionally, we find that SegAugment is also applicable to purely sentence-level data, as in CoVoST, and that it enables Speech Translation models to completely close the gap between the gold and automatic segmentation at inference time.
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Recent video+language datasets cover domains where the interaction is highly structured, such as instructional videos, or where the interaction is scripted, such as TV shows. Both of these properties can lead to spurious cues to be exploited by models rather than learning to ground language. In this paper, we present GrOunded footbAlL commentaries (GOAL), a novel dataset of football (or `soccer') highlights videos with transcribed live commentaries in English. As the course of a game is unpredictable, so are commentaries, which makes them a unique resource to investigate dynamic language grounding. We also provide state-of-the-art baselines for the following tasks: frame reordering, moment retrieval, live commentary retrieval and play-by-play live commentary generation. Results show that SOTA models perform reasonably well in most tasks. We discuss the implications of these results and suggest new tasks for which GOAL can be used. Our codebase is available at: https://gitlab.com/grounded-sport-convai/goal-baselines.
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The library scikit-fda is a Python package for Functional Data Analysis (FDA). It provides a comprehensive set of tools for representation, preprocessing, and exploratory analysis of functional data. The library is built upon and integrated in Python's scientific ecosystem. In particular, it conforms to the scikit-learn application programming interface so as to take advantage of the functionality for machine learning provided by this package: pipelines, model selection, and hyperparameter tuning, among others. The scikit-fda package has been released as free and open-source software under a 3-Clause BSD license and is open to contributions from the FDA community. The library's extensive documentation includes step-by-step tutorials and detailed examples of use.
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可以部署一组合作的空中机器人,以有效地巡逻地形,每个机器人都会在指定区域飞行,并定期与邻居共享信息,以保护或监督它。为了确保鲁棒性,以前对这些同步系统的作品提出了将机器人发送到相邻区域的情况,以防它检测到故障。为了处理不可预测性并提高确定性巡逻计划的效率,本文提出了随机策略,以涵盖在代理之间分配的领域。首先,在本文中针对两个指标进行了对随机过程的理论研究:\ emph {闲置时间},这是两个连续观察到地形的任何点和\ emph {隔离时间}之间的预期时间,预期的时间},预期的时间机器人没有与任何其他机器人通信的时间。之后,将随机策略与添加另一个指标的确定性策略进行了比较:\ emph {广播时间},从机器人发出消息的那一刻,直到团队的所有其他机器人收到消息。模拟表明,理论结果与模拟和随机策略的表现非常吻合,其行为与文献中提出的确定性协议获得的行为相比。
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科学机器学习的进步改善了现代计算科学和工程应用。数据驱动的方法(例如动态模式分解(DMD))可以从动态系统生成的时空数据中提取相干结构,并推断上述系统的不同方案。时空数据作为快照,每次瞬间包含空间信息。在现代工程应用中,高维快照的产生可能是时间和/或资源要求。在本研究中,我们考虑了在大型数值模拟中增强DMD工作流程的两种策略:(i)快照压缩以减轻磁盘压力; (ii)使用原位可视化图像在运行时重建动力学(或部分)。我们通过两个3D流体动力学模拟评估我们的方法,并考虑DMD重建解决方案。结果表明,快照压缩大大减少了所需的磁盘空间。我们已经观察到,损耗的压缩将存储降低了几乎$ 50 \%$,而信号重建和其他关注数量的相对错误则较低。我们还使用原位可视化工具将分析扩展到了直接生成的数据,在运行时生成状态向量的图像文件。在大型模拟中,快照的产生可能足够慢,可以使用批处理算法进行推理。流DMD利用增量SVD算法,并随着每个新快照的到来更新模式。我们使用流式DMD来重建原位生成的图像的动力学。我们证明此过程是有效的,并且重建的动力学是准确的。
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电子表格广泛用于桌面操作和演示。这些表的风格格式是演示和分析的重要属性。结果,流行的电子表格软件(例如Excel)支持基于数据依赖性规则的自动格式表。不幸的是,编写这些格式规则对于用户来说可能是具有挑战性的,因为这需要了解基础规则语言和数据逻辑。在本文中,我们提出了Cornet,这是一种神经符号系统,该系统解决了从格式化细胞的用户示例中自动学习此类格式规则的新问题。 Cornet从归纳计划的合成中汲取灵感,并根据半监督聚类和迭代决策树学习结合了符号规则,并与神经排名者一起产生条件格式的规则。为了激励和评估我们的方法,我们从超过40k真实电子​​表格的语料库中提取了表格的表格。使用这些数据,我们将短号与各种符号和神经基线进行了比较。我们的结果表明,与这些基线相比,Cornet可以在不同条件下更准确地学习规则。除了从用户示例中学习规则外,我们还提出了两个案例研究,以激发Cornet的其他用途:简化用户条件格式规则并恢复规则,即使用户可能手动格式化了其数据。
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